
Over the past 6 years Bienmoyo Foundation has helped place graduate and undergraduate students from Wharton, Harvard and MIT in the field in Tanzania. In 2008, Dr. Blander developed the Harvard Global Health Innovation Sandbox Program for undergraduate students. This program is called an innovation "sandbox" because it involves free-form problem solving and exploration with local stakeholders to develop interventions that address neglected health care problems. Dr. Blander has also supported as a lecturer at Harvard and MIT dozens of more students and young alumni to work in other countries that include Rwanda, Ecuador, and Sri Lanka. Students who have participated in these programs have gone on to organizations such as Medtronic and McKinsey, and are pursuing graduate studies at Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Education, Columbia School of Medicine, and Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.

Past interns have contributed to programs such as operations at Muhimbili National Hospital in Dar es Salaam and nation-wide business training and quality improvement efforts for APHFTA.

Harvard College Sandbox - 2012 Team

Michelle Ferreol

photo of Michelle Ferreol Michi Ferreol is a sophomore at Harvard College, where she plans to major in Sociology with a minor in Global Health. After spending some time doing medical field work and shadowing doctors in the Philippines, her home country, Michi developed an interest for studying both the private and public health sectors in developing countries. Her experience at APHFTA helped give her greater first-hand experience in this field and has motivated her more to do health-related work. She thanks APHFTA and all its kind, brilliant people for all their encouragement and hospitality!

Sabrina Ghouse

photo of Sabrina Ghouse Sabrina Ghouse is a sophomore at Harvard, studying Social Studies, as well as Environmental Science and Public Policy. She was born and raised in Sri Lanka, but has lived abroad throughout much of her upbringing. She plans to study and become involved in the economic and social development of less developed countries. Sabrina spent her freshman winter term in Jaozuo, China through Harvard China Care, prior to working with Bienmoyo and APHFTA. She is grateful for the unique perspective into international development in a new cultural setting that she gained through this work in Tanzania.

Tri Huynh

photo of Tri Huynh Tri Huynh is currently a senior majoring in molecular and cellular biology at Harvard University while pursuing a minor in global health and health policy. Having had a tough secondary school experience, Tri realizes that the disparity in education facing the next generation of youth in America and elsewhere is unacceptable. He plans to go to graduate school in education and learn about fair and equal curriculum development for people from all socioeconomic backgrounds. His teaching experience with APHFTA truly helped develop skills he will need for his future as an educator.

Ishani Premaratne

photo of Ishani Premaratne Ishani is a sophomore at Harvard studying Medical Anthropology with a minor in Global Health and Health Policy. She is a global health enthusiast with a special interest in social innovation and its potential to bring change in the outmoded and inefficient healthcare systems of the world. Ishani is of Sri Lankan heritage and is especially motivated to return to the country of her roots and help address some of the population's most pressing health concerns. Outside of the classroom, she is an avid figure skater and a lover of books, scrapbooking and writing for a blog called Seeing I to I, which she founded with her twin sister. Ishani is incredibly thankful for her two month internship experience in Tanzania, which was made possible by the wonderful people at APHFTA.

Harvard College Sandbox - 2011 Team

Ryan Christ

photo of Ryan Christ Ryan Christ is a Harvard undergraduate from a small American town near the Atlantic coast. He is working towards a Bachelors degree in Applied Mathematics and currently studying the genetics of Alzheimer's disease in the Feany Lab at Harvard Medical School. Several related interests have drawn him to APHFTA's quality improvement internship: the impact of culture on the treatment of mental disorders and dementia in Tanzania, modeling the spread of infectious disease, and understanding the impact of clinic quality on population health.

Akanksha Sharma

photo of Akanksha Sharma Akanksha Sharma is a freshman at Harvard. She was born in Mumbai, but grew up in Dubai, Bahrain, and the United States. She currently calls Copenhagen, Denmark home. She plans to go to medical school, but she wants to study a variety of things, especially the History of Science and Sociology. She was drawn to this opportunity with APHFTA because it allows a unique perspective into health care and Tanzanian culture.

Justin Mathews

photo of Justin Mathew Justin Mathews is a freshman at Harvard College. He hails from West Nyack, New York and is pursuing a degree in Neurobiology. He has long been interested in global health care, particularly comparative studies between the healthy and infirm in Tanzania, and is excited to be working with APHFTA in Tanzania.

Susan Overall

photo of Susan Overall Susan Overall is a freshman at Harvard College. She grew up on the beach in Sydney, Australia. She is currently planning to study Economics with a minor in Global Health Policy. Her interest in heath care in Africa began with her involvement with the One Girl organization, where her work focused on female sanitary health issues.

Homan Mohammadi

photo of Homan Mohammadi Homan Mohammadi is a sophomore at Harvard College pursuing a degree in neurobiology. He was born in Ottawa, Canada, but lived in Iran for 11 years before returning back to Canada. He is fascinated by healthcare and its capacity to improve people's lives, particularly in a developmental context.

Sydney Green

photo of Sydney Green Sydney is thrilled to have the chance to see the inner-workings of an international NGO/non-profit in the health sector. She is an aspiring physician and hopes to work in low-income communities domestically and/or abroad. She was particularly fascinated by the burgeoning private health sector in Tanzania, and has taken home lessons which she hopes to apply in her future work.

Devi Lockwood

photo of Devi Lockwood Devi Lockwood is a sophomore Folklore & Mythology major at Harvard. While in Tanzania she helped document the stories of private health care workers with the Voices4Change team. The best part of the summer? Learning the art of bartering for bananas in Swahili and befriending/joining a group of Tanzanians in Dar who play beach soccer every night at sunset.