Human Resources in Health Planning

The shortage of health care providers constitutes one of the most serious impediments toward the delivery of health services in resource poor settings. Ministries of Health and donor organizations recognize that the short fall of health care workers significantly threatens its ability to achieve programmatic goals for its population and are extremely committed to take action to strengthen human resource capacity.

A classroom

A classroom in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

  • Bienmoyo assists in the HRH planning process by supporting the need to complete a comprehensive hiring audit to identify existing bottlenecks and identify opportunities to streamline the existing hiring and retention processes. Based upon the findings and recommendations from the initial administrative interviews, health facility site visits can also be conducted. These site visits and interviews are used for reviewing HRH capacity and planning needs within a designated number of nationally representative health facilities.

  • Bienmoyo assists local partners in location financing for recruiting and retention strategies.